Monday, March 23, 2009

$2000 in 2 weeks!!!!

Hello everyone!

Thank you for all your wonderful donations, especially in this economic turmoil. The kids responses have been a lot more overwhelming than we expected. We have 18 kids that have sent in requests for their extracurricular activity to be paid for! That is awesome! We are raising money each day to promote the wellness of the kids that are affected by illness of a family member.

We are on a mission to raise $2000 in two weeks. I know it sounds impossible to some but to those of us at kidzbeingkidz, it is just another hurdle that we are ready to jump.

I am asking everyone for their help, even if it is $5.00 every bit helps. We are accepting payments through pay pal or checks.

It is our mission to enable kids to participate in whatever activity they would like and allowing them to be KIDZ! When an illness hits a family everyone is affected but with positive energy and outlets kidz can still enjoy childhood!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog stay tuned!

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